
You can still have fun with a woman who wants a relationship

I was talking via text with a guy who bragged that he's always straight up about what he is looking for because it makes it easier. I was complaining about a date who kept me preoccupied with talking about myself while he shoved beers at me, didn't seem at all interested in what I was saying, only that I kept drinking and kept interrupting me with suggestions we go someplace else which turned out to be a preference for my apt.. and how I hate the presumption when I haven't given any indication of feeling flirtatious because I hadn't found him at all attractive and he didn't try to sell himself either. Must have read that women rate their dates as going well when they are the focus of the conversation but I say this is not true! You need to be charming and charming is not buying us too many drinks.  So I ask the first guy "oh? so what are you looking for then?" and he says "I'm too busy for a relationship. I'm just looking for fun." I i

So life is hard.. doesn't mean you should be a douche!

We all get frustrated with the seemingly futile constant patterns we encounter in our daily lives. We all have wants. We all have needs. At times it seems no one is understanding of much of anything. We try our damnedest to succeed at filling at least our most minimal, basic wants and needs. Often it seems that when we try the hardest is when we're less likely to succeed. It's almost as if people refuse to see our efforts intentionally. Could it be perhaps that we were too focused on our own struggles to communicate effectively? Are we possibly too quick to make snap judgments and negative deductions dismissing everyone who could be able to give us what we need? There's a lot of ego at play in modern day interacting and sadly not a lot of self reflecting much less second chances or altered first perceptions. We get angry when people misjudge us meanwhile we're quick to deem others unworthy without so much as a hint of empathy. Sometimes we never even say somethin